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First impressions matter: why beautiful forms convert better

The first inclination of the conversion is to be attracted. The shapes, colors, and design can affect how a user feels about an object or product.

The design of your form impacts the entire user experience (UX) of your website, which has a direct impact on the number of satisfied visitors and conversions. A well-designed form illustrates to users that your company is helpful, kind, professional, innovative, and fun to work with. On the other hand, a poorly designed form may result in page and website abandonment, as well as a disappointed user, resulting in fewer conversions and revenues.

As web forms are so important for converting visitors into customers, you should make yours simple to use, professional, and stylish. This article covers five best practices for designing a great form, covering the importance of beautiful web form UI design. We'll take a look at the two "sides" of this "coin," Attractiveness Bias and Form Follows Function. You'll be able to plan better designs if you understand both.

The Power of Beauty

We have a preference for beautiful forms. That is a proven fact: humans enjoy looking at beautiful things and are drawn to them, whether in the physical and digital worlds. A more appealing form design is only a click away in the digital domain. When customers visit a webpage or try out a new app, they quickly decide whether they want to stay on that page/app or move on to another.

The aesthetic attractiveness of the forms' design plays a big role in that decision. Ones that are crammed and unsightly have a far tougher difficulty keeping users engaged than well-designed surveys. As a result, designers can leverage the idea of attractiveness bias to swiftly establish relationships with consumers and see the converts rocketing sky high. That may seem self-evident, but it is critical to comprehend and not take for granted.

The call of Beauty

People have always been drawn to "attractiveness" or "beauty." When you see somebody dressed attractively, you respond positively. When people see a Ferrari or a Porsche, they are immediately drawn to them as "head-turners." Have you ever heard the phrase "there's no accounting for taste"? There are, however, products, people, websites, forms, surveys, and other things that most people find attractive, which increase the conversion rates.

Designers can use this principle of attractiveness bias to help consumers get and keep their attention. It can be used in marketing to increase website traffic. You can also use it to promote a single product among several others. Apple has done this exceptionally well, allowing its products to stand out among many similar products from competitors in the minds of consumers.

The Short term effect of attractiveness

It's crucial to understand that beauty bias is a temporary phenomenon. Without an equally appealing user experience, even the most gorgeous forms will lose potential conversions. Once the "wow factor" has worn off, it's the utility of the form that keeps people interested. Consider a highly attractive actor who shows up for an audition. The poor actor hasn't revealed that he's only recently started acting school.

In summary, while an unattractive and ugly form/web page may never grab the potential customer's interest, a beautiful form without any practical use will not hold the user's attention for more than a few seconds. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but the eye gets tired very quickly, almost as rapidly as it gets turned off by horror.

How Attractiveness Bias can get you more conversions

A visually appealing form may attract more visitors. Users are more likely to spend more time filling a form that is appealing to the eye and provides a positive user experience. While attractiveness bias is crucial to examine while designing your website, never neglect the other half of the equation. Meeting the users' needs and wants is, in the long term, more critical to the performance of your design.

Attractiveness bias can help a website succeed in a variety of ways, including the following. Increased website traffic – An appealing form may attract more viewers due to its aesthetic appeal. Individuals establish emotional ties with designs that move or appeal to them in the same way they form emotional connections with attractive people (even those they don't know, such as actors and actresses).

Form follows function

You've probably heard the phrase "form follows function," but what does it mean? How can it assist you in creating a survey? The term "form follows function" means that a product's form, or aesthetic design, should be derived from the function it serves. You'll have to compromise if you want to apply the form follows function to your survey. Begin by determining which components of the design are most important for more conversions.

You can begin designing once you've agreed on the functionality of your design. This does not imply that all design elements that distract from the utility should be removed. Keep in mind that aesthetic appeal is important to users and, in turn, increases the chance of more conversions. It can, however, lead you to use designs that emphasize the most important activities while concealing less important functions to some extent.


You almost certainly have at least one type of web form on your site, no matter what type of business you manage or work for. Using these form design guidelines to improve UX and UI, you can provide your visitors a trustworthy and positive experience that will help you increase conversions. So, consider the forms you'll need on your site and start using design suggestions and takeaways that are most relevant to your company's demands and goals.

You must concentrate on the user experience because you only have a limited amount of time to hold your users' attention. Overall, remember both concepts while you work. Your users don't want a messy, unattractive page. Even so, they'll want to move fast to discover what they're seeking after lifting their eyebrows in amazement at the "Mona Lisa" you've shown them. It's crucial to maintain a sense of equilibrium.